Virgo – The Ancient Greek Myth Behind the Zodiac Sign


Astraea, star maiden, Virgo symbol. Image Fernando Gallego

Astraea, star maiden, Virgo symbol. Image Fernando Gallego


August 23 – September 22

The ‘maiden’ of the Virgo symbol is Astraea; the Star Maiden, goddess of innocence and purity, is only one of the various Greek myths behind Virgo and is also linked to Libra as she was the Goddess of Justice who once carried a pair of scales with which she weighed up the rights and wrongs of any dispute.

Astraea represents natural law, not the human understanding of justice as found in Libra, she upholds the balance of the seasons and living in accordance with nature.

Now Astraea’s scales shine next to Virgo as the constellation of Libra.

In Greek mythology, Astraea, after leaving Earth, when overcome by her loathing of the unfairness and injustice that went on there, was transformed into the constellation of Virgo, according to legend, when the Golden Age comes again, Astraea will return to the Earth (see more futher down the post).


Ancient Greeks and astrology


The mysterious night sky thrilled the ancient Greek astrologers who played a huge role in what we now know today about the shape and size of the Earth, the moon, the position of constellations and how they move, the orbital paths of planets and their correlation with the stars around them.

They were able to use this information to make detailed predictions, what we know of today as horoscopes.


12 Zodiac Constellations

12 Zodiac Constellations


In ancient Greece, each one of the twelve signs of the zodiac (the word zodiac comes from a Greek word meaning, “The circle of animals” meaning all living creatures), related to one of the four elements: earth, air, fire and water and identified with twelve constellations, seen in the night sky at different times of the year.

With the exception of Libra, each zodiac sign relates to a Greek myth concerning animals or humans, telling how each group of stars arrived in the heavens.


The twelve zodiac signs and their symbols


Symbols of the 12 signs of the zodiac

Symbols of the 12 signs of the zodiac


 Aries – Ram. March 21 – April 19

Taurus – Bull. April 20 – May 20

Gemini -The twins. May 21 – June 20

Cancer – Crab. June 21 – July 22

Leo – Lion. July 23 – August 22

Virgo – Virgin. August 23 – September 22

Libra – The scales. September 23 – October 22

Scorpio – Scorpion. October 23 – November 21

Sagittarius – Centaur. November 22 – December 21

Capricorn – Goat. December 22 – January 19

Aquarius – Water bearer. January 20 – February 18

Pisces – Fish. February 19 – March 20


The Zodiac Sign of Virgo


Virgo as depicted in Urania's Mirror, a set of constellation cards published in London c.1825

Virgo as depicted in Urania’s Mirror, a set of constellation cards published in London c.1825


6th sign of the zodiac

August 23 to September 22

 Symbol: Maiden

 Element: Earth

Ruling Panet Mercury


The constellation of Virgo

The constellation of Virgo


Virgo is the largest of the 12 zodiac constellations and covers 1294.43 square degrees of the southern sky; it is also the second largest of all 88 constellations, only slightly smaller than Hydra, the largest constellation.


The ancient Greek myths surrounding the zodiac sign of Virgo


Astraea. Howard David Johnson

Astraea. Howard David Johnson


Of all the twelve zodiac signs Virgo is maybe the most misunderstood, owing to the confusion of the translation of the word virgo, which, in Latin, means self-contained or self-sufficient and originally applied to unmarried women, including mothers.

The word Virgo should not be interpreted as a woman who is a virgin but more as  a nurturing woman; mother to all of the Earth.

The following excerpt, taken from the gnostic text, ‘The Thunder, Perfect mind’, where the Greek goddess of wisdom, Sophia, states who she is, goes along way in helping to clear up the misinterpretation of the word virgo, or virgin and shows us that being a virgin has nothing to do with chastity :


‘For I am the first and the last.
I am the honoured one and the scored one.
I am the whore and the holy one.
I am the wife and the virgin.
I am the mother and the daughter.
I am the members of my mother.
I am the barren one and many are her sons.
I am she whose wedding is great,
and I have not taken a husband. ‘


 A virgin; in the ancient sense of the word, is a free woman who follows her own moral code or integrity – not the laws forced upon her by society.

This also goes for the harlots in the temples of ancient Greece; women who belonged to no man but who were free and unattached.


Goddess of Wisdom, Σοφία, Sophía, at the Library of Celsus in Ephesus (second century).

Goddess of Wisdom, Σοφία, Sophía, at the Library of Celsus in Ephesus (second century).


 The goddesses associated with Virgo are thought to be fertility goddesses or goddesses of the harvest which ties in with the Greek myth of Demeter; Greek goddess of the harvest, as the constellation Virgo is thought to be a woman holding a spike of corn, so resonating with the Harvest Mother myth.


The myth of the Greek goddesses Demeter and Persephone


The myth goes as follows; the goddess of the Spring, Persephone is kidnapped by the god of the Underworld Hades, Persephone’s mother, Demeter, the goddess of the harvest, in a fit of madness and despair over the loss of her daughter, decides to ruin the harvest.


A tondo from a red-figure kylix depicting Persephone and Hades. Vulci, c. 440-430 BCE. (British Museum, London) Image by Marie-Lan Nguyen

A tondo from a red-figure kylix depicting Persephone and Hades. Vulci, c. 440-430 BCE. (British Museum, London) Image by Marie-Lan Nguyen


After much deliberation, bargaining and arguing between Demeter and Hades, Persephone is allowed to return to Earth for six months of the year, to help her mother Demeter with the harvest.

 This corresponds with the constellation Virgo being visible for only six  months of the year, from March to August.


The Myth of Erigone, daughter of Icarius, king of Attica (Athens)


Another Greek myth identifies Virgo as Erigone; the daughter of Icarius of Attica.

The story goes that unbeknown to Erigone her father was murdered and buried by drunken shepherds.

Erigone set out with her dog, Maera, to find her father; the missing king but instead, came upon his  grave,and in her grief  hung herself from a tree.

Dionysus, god of fertility and wine, feeling pity for the father and his daughter, is said to have placed them in the heavens, King Icarius as the constellations of Boötes and Erigone as the constellation of Virgo.


Erigone by Jacques Antoine Vallin

Erigone by Jacques Antoine Vallin


Of the various ancient Greek myths associated with the star sign of Virgo, the story of Astraea, told in the creation myth, is the one I prefer.


The creation myth


The creation myth; the story of how the world began, tells us how Zeus, king of Greek gods, sent Pandora down to Earth as a punishment to man.


Pandora by Arthur Rackham

Pandora by Arthur Rackham


 Not being able to resist her curiosity; Pandora opened the box which she had been warned not to.

As soon as the box was opened out flew all manner of abominations: evilness, hate, crime, war, poverty, pain, disease, hunger, hatred, causing Earth to become unbearable.

 One by one Zeus ordered the gods to leave Earth and return to the heavens.

 Astraea, daughter of Zeus and Themis, goddess of innocence and purity, was the last to leave.

 Astraea remained, hoping  that she could teach humans to become better people.

Alas, the humans only became worse, so she also returned to heaven where the other gods already resided.

As reward for her good works Zeus transformed her into the constellation of Virgo.

Legend has it that when the Golden Age comes again; Astraea will return to the Earth.


Personality traits of Virgo


Virgo people are said to be analytical, kind, hardworking and practical.


Virgo traits

Virgo traits


Virgos are  perfectionists; meticulous and single-minded in their pursuit of improvement, which also makes them extremely dedicated to the people in their lives and helps them find success professionally.

They are practical, sensible and loyal and make excellent friends and partners.

Virgos have a dynamic personality and their traits manifest in both positive and negative ways.


Virgo traits

Virgo traits


 A Virgo’s thinking skills and independence will take them a long way but in some instances those same strengths hold them back if not properly managed.

Unsurprisingly Virgos make great employees; their critical thinking and analysis skills mean that they are always looking for the next big thing and how to improve on their work.


The Virgo man

The Virgo man


Virgos have to beware of their critical tendencies at work and make sure they have their filters on so that they don’t say things they can’t take back and jeopardize opportunities.


This is a Virgo

This is a Virgo


Virgos have lots of love to give and traits that make them the perfect partner for Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, or Capricorn.

As a naturally shy and reserved sign, Virgos have a hard time opening up and making new friends. However, once they do they’re amazing friends who should always be the first call for anyone in need, or just if you need a good talk about life. Virgos love connecting with others, and this applies in their friendships and with family members, too.


What Virgos like

What Virgos like


Positive Virgo Traits


Virgo is an earth-sign which is demonstrated in their practical and logical tendencies. Some of their best qualities are because they’re such thoughtful, well-grounded people.


Virgos know that hard work pays off. They aren’t afraid to throw themselves into a project, no matter what it takes, and may even go some sleepless nights.


Virgos throw themselves into their creativity as much as their other passions. Their creativity is always flowing and they use mediums like art, dance, and writing as an outlet.


You’ll be hard-pressed to find someone more responsible and reliable than a Virgo. When left in charge, Virgos are sure to take their responsibilities seriously, and they’ll always show up when you need them to.


While no one is infinitely patient, Virgos are more patient than others. They’re always willing to see the best in people, and are willing to give people time when they need it to shape up their act.


Virgos are also humble and affectionate. Along with their desire to see the best in people, they are unfailingly kind and are always willing to help others.


Negative Virgo Traits



Negative Virgo traits

Negative Virgo traits


Of course, Virgos aren’t all perfect, and like most signs, some of their biggest strength can also be points of weakness.


Virgos are hard workers and great at what they do, but these high standards can also make them overly judgmental and critical towards others.


Virgos can be especially set in their ways. Since they’re so dedicated, they often think that they know best, and are reluctant to change their minds or change their ways.


As critical thinkers, Virgos can also be chronic overthinkers, their minds are so busy all the time, constantly thinking about things they need to do or how they can get ahead on their next project. This means they also overthink emotions and relationships.


Again, Virgos are pretty set in their ways and are not easily convinced to try something new. They also run the risk of being critical about others’ choices when they’re not the Virgo’s first choice.



Overthinking and worrying are classic Virgo traits.

They are bothered by lots of little things and are often told by friends that they need to chill or relax.

Lots of Virgos are classed as type A personalities (outgoing, ambitious, rigidly organized, highly status-conscious, impatient, anxious, proactive and concerned with time management.

People with Type A personalities are often high-achieving workaholics; they push themselves with deadlines and hate both delays and ambivalence.

People with Type A personalities experience more job-related stress and less job satisfaction.

(Source – Wikipedia).


The two sides of Virgo

The two sides of Virgo


One of the most important things for a Virgo to remember is to relax; take a step back from work and remember to enjoy the little things. Try to schedule time for breaks well in advance, and stick to it.

 Surround yourself with people who can help you access your emotions but understand your intellectualism.

It’s best to have friends who are different from one another so that you can feel balanced and respected.

Try to remember that not everyone takes criticism well and that you’re not always right.

What works for you may not work for someone else; practice taking a beat and thinking before you speak to ensure you don’t hurt feelings by accident.

 Channel that famous work ethic into projects that bring you happiness.

You’ll work hard at everything you do but you don’t have to always grind away at work.

You can help friends and family, volunteer and work on your art.

Use that natural creativity (one of the most common Virgo traits!) to tap into your emotions.

Practicality can come across as cold, so practice connecting with your emotional side with the added benefit of working on the things you care about.

Bonus points if you do these activities with friends or a romantic interest.





Famous Virgos


Michael Jackson. American singer songwriter.  Born August 29 1958


Michael Jackson. American singer songwriter.  Born August 29 1958

Michael Jackson. American singer songwriter.  Born August 29 1958


Mother Teresa. Albanian – Indian Catholic nun and missionary. Born august 26 1910


Mother Teresa. Albanian - Indian Catholic nun and missionary. Born august 26 1910

Mother Teresa. Albanian – Indian Catholic nun and missionary. Born august 26 1910


Van Morrison. Irish singer songwriter. Born August 31 1945


Van Morrison. Irish singer songwriter. Born August 31 1945

Van Morrison. Irish singer songwriter. Born August 31 1945


Queen Elizabeth I. Queen of England  1558 – 1603. Born September 7 1533


Queen Elizabeth I. Queen of England  1558 - 1603. Born September 7 1533

Queen Elizabeth I. Queen of England  1558 – 1603. Born September 7 1533


Leo Tolstoy. Russian writer. Born September 9. Born 1828


Leo Tolstoy. Russian writer. Born September 9. Born 1828

Leo Tolstoy. Russian writer. Born September 9. Born 1828


Sophia Loren. Italian actress. Born September 20 1934


Sophia Loren. Italian actress. Born September 20 1934

Sophia Loren. Italian actress. Born September 20 1934


Leonard Cohen. Canadian singer, songwriter, poet and writer. Born September 21 1934


Leonard Cohen. Canadian singer, songwriter, poet and writer. Born September 21 1934

Leonard Cohen. Canadian singer, songwriter, poet and writer. Born September 21 1934


Agatha Christie. English writer. Born September 15 1890


Agatha Christie. English writer. Born September 15 1890

Agatha Christie. English writer. Born September 15 1890


Sean Connery. Scottish actor and film producer. Born August 25 1930


Sean Connery. Scottish actor and film producer. Born August 25 1930

Sean Connery. Scottish actor and film producer. Born August 25 1930


Greta Garbo. Swedish – American Actress. Born September 18 1905


Greta Garbo. Swedish - American Actress. Born September 18 1905

Greta Garbo. Swedish – American Actress. Born September 18 1905


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