To My Children – Being a Mother

Mother and two Children – In Good Hands – Painting by Katy M. Berggren.
“Mothers are all slightly insane.”
J.D Salinger
The Catcher in the Rye
Was I a good mother?
Was I bad mother?
A bit of both I suppose, after all nobody is perfect.
Looking back, I know what my mistakes were and wish I could turn back the clock to rectify them, that is never going to happen but I now have a second chance with my granddaughter and I vow to have more patience with her, than I did with my own children.

My granddaughter, Sweet Melina
Whatever the answer is to the good or bad mother question, I must have done something right as they have both turned out to be a credit to me.

Mother and Daughter
What a shock to the system it is when your first child is born, forget your life as you knew it, you are now heading towards the unknown, a scary place, sometimes bad but mostly good.
The worst has to be the lack of sleep and that never ends!
It’s not only being woken up ten times a night with a newborn baby, it carries on…keeping bedside vigil through all of the childhood illnesses, the teenage years come along, their first forays out into the night alone, waiting up for them, they only need to be five minutes late and you are imagining them dead in a ditch somewhere!
Then we have the loss of freedom, gone are the nights out, gone are the relaxing bubble baths, even the freedom of visiting the loo alone is gone and a really bad one here…the freedom to suffer in bed with a hangover, you have to get up and carry on.
That’s enough to stop anybody ever drinking again!

Mother and son
The good bits, oh how the good bits outweigh the bad, the kisses, the cuddles, the “I love you mummy”.
Watching them while they sleep, the sweet Mother’s Day cards made at school and brought home with such pride.
The first present they buy you with their pocket money and above all the trust in their eyes when they look at you.
The unconditional love that they have for you…and the fact that they think you are Superwoman and can do anything, absolutely anything!
What advice would I give to my children, to survive in this wild world?
To my daughter, Nais, be independent, never be financially dependant on any man, as much as you may love him, be strong, be loyal, never wear what everyone else is wearing just because it’s a trend, be different, be confident, beauty is confidence, it doesn’t come out of a bottle, and, above all, don’t worry, be happy, whatever will be will be!
‘My daughter, now my best friend“

My daughter, Nais
To my son, Yiannis, what can I say to you? A true free spirit, who can tame you? I fear you have too much of me in you, I look at you, and see myself, so, think before you act!
‘There’s this boy, he stole my heart…..he calls me Mum’.

My son Johnny
To you both; be yourselves, treat people well, as you would wish to be treated, be honest, be true to yourselves, don’t do anything you believe to be wrong, and lastly, don’t ever give a shit about what other people think (this one is crucial!)!