Thank You in Greek – Eucharisto – Efharisto


There is always something to be thankful for

There is always something to be thankful for


I expect you all know a few Greek words, perhaps the most widely known being “Eucharisto” or “Efharisto”, meaning Thank You.

  Ευχαριστώ, in Modern Greek the letter combination “eu” (epsilon-upsilon) is pronounced either “ev” or “ef” depending on which letter it precedes, so, we have the ancient “eucharist” but the Modern Greek “efharisto” –  thank you.

 A clever way to remember how to pronounce Efharsto, (Thank you), is to think of the name:

F. Harry Stowe! – Try it!


The Origins of the Word Eucharisto


The root of the word eucharisto is Eucharisteo or Eucharist; in the Christian world, the Holy Communion, the Lord’s Supper, the Last Supper, or, the Breaking of the bread (Greek: του κλασαι αρτον).


The Last Supper (1495-1498). Mural by Leonardo da Vinci. Santa Maria delle Grazie Church, Milan

The Last Supper (1495-1498). Mural by Leonardo da Vinci. Santa Maria delle Grazie Church, Milan


The word Eucharist was first used in this sense by Jesus, whilst breaking bread and giving thanks at Passover, during The Last Supper.

Eucharist does not symbolize the bread but rather the emotion of being thankful or grateful for the bread, which later was considered the body of Christ, or the Holy Spirit of Christ, by Christians.

When taking Holy Communion; the Eucharist, Christians are giving thanks, showing their gratitude to Jesus Christ.


The words of Jesus at The Last Supper:


Matthew, chapter 26, verse 26 (King James Bible).

And as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and blessed it, and brake it, and gave it to the disciples, and said, “Take, eat, this is my body“:




(Labetai phagetai touto esti to soma mou

Pietai ex autou pantes touto esti to [h]aima mou)

“Take, eat, this is the body of-me

Drink of it all [of you], this is the blood of-me”

The inscription from Matthew 26:26-28


“Take, eat, this is the body of-meDrink of it all [of you], this is the blood of-me” The inscription is from Matthew 26:26-28

“Take, eat, this is the body of-me – Drink of it all [of you], this is the blood of-me”
The inscription is from Matthew 26:26-28

Holy Communion in the Greek Orthodox Church. Photo by James Coleman

Holy Communion in the Greek Orthodox Church. Photo by James Coleman


Holy Communion – Catholic Church

Holy Communion – Catholic Church


We Are Thankful


If we break the word eucharisto, down into; eu (Good or Well) and Charis (Grace or Joy), and take into account its connection with The Last Supper, we can see why we “Say Grace” before a meal.

To give thanks “For what we are about to receive”


Norman Rockwell – “Saying Grace” –1951

Norman Rockwell – “Saying Grace” –1951


The Eucharistic Dove


The dove, symbol of The Holy Spirit, peace and hope, came to be known as the Eucharistic Dove, the dove of thankfulness, of gratefulness.

In the thirteenth century, gold or silver doves were used in the Christian church, as receptacles to carry communion bread, The Host, to people who were ill, or for some reason or another, couldn’t make it to church for Holy Communion.

These Eucharistic doves had a tear-shaped opening in their backs, in which a pyx or pix, ( Pixos in Greek, meaning box-wood) a wooden box, containing communion bread, The Host, was placed.


Eucharistic Dove – Limoges – 13th century

Eucharistic Dove – Limoges – 13th century


To be Grateful is to be Happy


 Eucharisto, to give thanks, to be grateful, not just a simple “Thanks”, but a word, with a much deeper and spiritual meaning, than we give it credit for.

 Let’s all try to be a little more grateful, after all, isn’t it said:

  “To be grateful is to be happy”?


Winnie the Pooh & Piglet

Winnie the Pooh & Piglet


Think like Piglet!


Related links:

Interesting ‘untranslatable’ Greek words

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