Greeker than the Greeks!
Who is Greeker than the Greeks?
I am!
I’m Susan but just call me Greeker!

Greeker than the Greeks
If you’re as passionate about Greece and its people as I am, if you’re hungry for quirky, mysterious, strange and sometimes downright hilarious little-known facts about Greece, then you’ve come to the right place.
After more than forty years of living amongst the Greeks in their amazing country I’ve come to know stuff.
Not only stuff such as which is the most popular Greek island or which is the best hotel to stay at in Athens but wonderful, adorable details about their superstitions, why they do this or that in a certain way and why they eat that particular food on that particular day.
I’ve gleaned insight into what really makes a Greek a Greek!
What made me leave England at the drop of a hat for a life in Greece?
Why did I leave England and make a life for myself in Greece?
Love made me do it!
I found MGG; My Greek God not on Mount Olympus but in Leeds, Yorkshire, England.

Tassos aka MGG. My Greek God
And so began my love affair with all things Greek.
“A city becomes a world when one loves one of its inhabitants.”
Lawrence Durrell
It’s all Greek to me
I first set foot on Greek ground in 1977, where, for ten years, we lived in Corinth before moving to the small resort town of Loutraki, where we still live.
Back then in Corinth there weren’t many foreigners living there permanently; no British societies and such like, as were to be found in big cities like Athens or Thessaloniki, I was thrown in at the deep end, for a short time, everything certainly was all Greek to me!
Becoming Greeker
Through attending family celebrations I learnt the correct way to congratulate a Greek bride, or parents of a newly baptized child and how to greet someone on their Name Day and that you never visit a Greek home empty-handed.
I could go on and on about what I’ve learnt about Greece and the Greeks in my time here; things you will never find in any travel book.
When our children; son Yiannis (born in1983) and daughter Nais (born in 1985) were at school, through helping them with their homework, I began to learn about ancient Greek history, Greek mythology and literature.

My son John – JGG – Junior Greek God Yiannis
What’s in a name?
As for my blog title, as you do when visiting a foreign country, you read about it, you’re curious, you want to know everything, you end up knowing much more than you know about your own country.
I certainly don’t know the history of British cheese – making but I can tell you all about Greek feta cheese, I don’t know which herbs grow where in England however I know where they grow in Greece.
My daughter, stunned at some of the obscure facts I knew about Greece and the wonderful, jolly, hospitable Greeks, said to me;
‘Mother, you are Greeker than the Greeks!’
And my blog was named:
I had become ‘Greeker’!

My Greek goddess of a daughter, Nais.
I’m still here, in Loutraki, most likely the place I shall spend the rest of my days, sharing my knowledge of Greece with my fellow philhellenes, if you’re one of them, then why not suscribe to my blog?
Enter your email address in the box: SUBSCRIBE TO BLOG VIA EMAIL, (top right corner of my home page), don’t fear, it’s safe, I won’t bombard you with spammy stuff, only my latest blog post which will be delivered directly to your in box.
Efharisto and filakia (Thank you and Kisses in Greek).
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