Greeker than the Greeks – 5 Years and Still Blogging

A Blogger’s Life!
I have just read the post I wrote after one year of blogging; Happy 1st Birthday Greeker than the Greeks the first line is:
‘I can’t believe one whole year has passed since I first stumbled blindly into the world of blogging, even more amazing is the fact that I kept on going!’
Well, it’s now been five years and I’m even more amazed!
Not only has my determination amazed me but I’m astonished and absolutely thrilled that people actually seem to like what I write.
It’s been a rough and rocky road, the technical side still confuses me, I still type with one finger and I still forget to ‘save’ and ‘back up”, resulting in hours of work being deleting in one hasty click.
Make or break
Things came to a head around a year ago; it was make or break.
For reasons known only unto them, Facebook decided to block my blog link and protect you from me; I was deemed unsafe!
One morning I opened Facebook to see this!

Blocked by Facebook
Try as I might I could not retrieve my blog link.
Have you ever tried contacting Facebook?
That in itself was enough to make me throw my hands up in despair.
I nearly surrendered but then thought about my four years of hard slog, a large percentage of you come from Facebook, especially my Facebook page, so I spent hours online, trying to find a solution to my problem.
All to no avail, there was only one thing for it; move house, so to speak, acquire a new domain and along with it, a new blog link, one acceptable to Facebook.
What made me think that to change web host, acquire a custom domain and take a four year old blog from Blogger to WordPress, all on my own, was going to be easy?
I know my computer skills are, shall we say, not up to par but I still went ahead.
Life on hold
I did have help but the help was in America, which, because of the time difference, meant sitting at my computer at 3 in the morning wearing boots and a ski jacket (I even considered the ski pants!).
My life was on hold; night and day I wrestled with an unfamiliar dashboard and customized a website; there was much deleting and re-doing.
The gods were not with me, a month later torrential rain washed away our telephone cables and along with them our internet connection, now my blog was also on hold; for about a month; I caught up on my sleep!

Catching up on sleep
Finally, I was back online, I persevered and after much frustration and pulling of hair, I finished what had seemed to me a never-ending task, my blog was again up and running.
I dedicated my first post on WordPress to the last two months of my life:
What is Chaos? How Did Pandemonium Come From Nothing?

Chaos – a gaping void – empty space – a black hole.
Photo Anish Kapoor
Every cloud has a silver lining
It seems the saying “Every Cloud has a silver lining” is true, since moving to WordPress, my blog, after an initial dip, which I was told to expect, came back with a vengeance, which gives me all the more incentive to keep going.
Greeker is back!
I have given up reading tutorials about SEO (Search Engine Optimization), or how to drive traffic to your blog, how to optimize this and that, I just write and hope for the best and am doing very nicely thank you, better than I ever hoped or expected.
Dedicated to all my faithful followers:
Thank you from the bottom of my heart
My success is all down to you; yes you who read my blog and keep coming back; my faithful followers.
This post is a thank you to you all.

Greeker says thank you
Does five years of blogging make me a blogger?
It most definitely does and Im still Blog, Blog, Blogging Along: Learning as I go!