Life in Greece as an Expat – Interview for Expats Blog

Loutraki beach Greece
A question I am frequently asked, by both Greeks and foreigners, is
“Do I like living in Greece?”
My answer is always the same, in one word “Yes!”
It’s been so long now, since I left England, nearly forty years, I forget that I’m an “Expat”!
So, when I was asked by Expats Blog about my life in Greece, I really had to think of my
life as an expat and not as a Greek!
“expatsblog” is such a useful site for anyone relocating, or thinking of relocating, to another country, tips, forums and a mine of information.
A network which allows you to meet up, and get to know, other expats in countries all over the world, a real help, especially in the early days of being in any new country.
I love Greece, the people, the climate, oh the Mediterranean climate; it makes life so much easier!
For about eight months of the year we more or less live outside in our garden.
Our garden Loutraki
Most days, from April/May and onward, up until about the October, our meals are eaten
“Al Fresco”.

Sunrise over Loutraki
I’m so lucky to see amazing sunrises each morning, never the same, always something to gaze at in wonder, summer or winter.
My old, but trusty bicycle gets me out and about, otherwise I walk, and the town of Loutraki is only about fifteen minutes away.
My trusty bicycle and me
Mondays and Saturdays, I look at what gorgeous fresh produce our local street market has to offer.
Maybe I’ll buy something extra nice for lunch for MGG (MyGreek God)

Loutraki street market
Lunch is our main meal of the day, as is the norm in Greece; sometimes it’s just MGG and otherwise, the whole family, with my sweet granddaughter, Melina, the star of the show!

Family lunch
When it becomes too chilly to be on the beach, which I love with a passion by the way,
I’ll take a stroll to the picturesque tiny harbour, watch the fishing boats returning with their day’s haul.
Of course Greece has bad weather, but, those days are few and far between, usually it’s sun and blue skies.

Loutraki harbour
We might drop in at our favourite “ouzeri”, for ouzo and meze, those delightful little plates of
of sea food.

Anyone for grilled octopus?
I love my Greek life, I feel Greek!
When people ask me where I am from, it surprises me. (Without hearing me speak, because, of course I have a foreign accent).
I forget I’m not a true local!
“Do I look foreign?” I don’t feel it at all!
Just look at this view of Loutraki bay I took from the Edem taverna!

Loutraki bay taken from Edem taverna
Isn’t Greece a beautiful place to live?
I’m so glad I met My Greek God!

My Greek God (MGG)
“A city becomes a world when one loves one of its inhabitants.”
Lawrence Durrell from ‘Justine’