Oenorama 2015 – Athens Wine Week – Barrels of Art

oenorama athens wine week 2015
Every year, in the month of March, the Zappeion Megaron exhibition hall, located in the centre of Athens, hosts Oenorama, Athens’s wine week,Greece’s largest wine fair.
“Oak Sessions”
This year, for the first time, thirty artists had teamed up with thirty, huge, used, oak wine barrels, to create a spectacular art show, named:
“Oak Sessions”
The concept was:
What had these barrels seen?
Where had they been?
If only they could talk, what would they say?
Thirty talented artists transferred their thoughts, to the thirty wine barrels, in unique art form.

Oak wine barrels
Last week, whilst on a trip to the Semeli Winery, named after Semele, the mother of Dionysus, God of wine, in nearby Nemea, I had the unexpected opportunity of seeing these most amazing works of art, I was greeted by barrels and barrels of art, literally!
Nemea, a small, picturesque, typically Greek town, at the heart of the Peloponnese wine country, produces some of Greece’s bes twines, and is home to more than forty excellent Greek wineries.

Nemea, Corinthia, Greece
After the wine fair closed in Athens, these wonderful barrels of art, had been brought to Nemea and were on display at the Semeli winery.

Semeli Winery, Nemea, Korinthias, Greece
Not all thirty barrels from the “Oak Sessions” collection were on display at Semeli but the ones I saw were fabulous, I’m no great photographer but I did my best, to convey to you, the beauty, talent and hard work put into this project.
Barrels of Art
Barrels of art at Semeli winery for oenorama athens wine week 2015 by Tania Dimitrakopoulou & Alina Matsa.
Above, at the forefront, sky blue with horses, painted by Tania Dimitrakopoulou for the Aivali Estate, titled, you guessed it:
The one behind, showing the hand, is for the Estate Alfa by Alina Matsa.
“This Side Up”
Barrels of art at Semeli winery, Nemea, for oenorama athens wine week 2015. Savvas Georgiades. No title

The olive tree barrel
Here’s my other favourite, with the olive tree, it roots bursting through the barrel, I love the tiny swing detail.
Created by Vasilis Peros for Nemeion Estate.
“The Red Swing”
Vasilis Peros Barrels of art at Semeli winery, Nemea, for oenorama athens wine week 2015
This barrel below, was created by Kostas Lavdas for the Avantis Estate, using different sized barrels.
“Angel Ksoano”
Kostas Lavdas. Barrels of art at Semeli winery, Nemea, for oenorama athens wine week 2015
Below, this one for Hatsimichalis Estate by Olga Goulandri.
“In Vino Libertas”
Olga Goulandri. Barrels of art at Semeli winery, Nemea, for oenorama athens wine week 2015
Lego has been used here for the Palivou Estate in Nemea, by Eleutheria Tseiko.
“Playing with Lego”
Eleutheria Tseiko. Barrels of art at Semeli winery, Nemea, for oenorama athens wine week 2015
A very fancy one here below, by Mary Samouli, for the Semeli Estate, Nemea, the Estate where I actually saw these astounding barrels.
” Drops of optimism In Deep Ruby”
Mary Samouli. Barrels of art at Semeli winery, Nemea, for oenorama athens wine week 2015
Below, by artist Pavlos Habides for Paparuan Estate;
“Saying goodbye to Polyphimo”
Pavlos Habides. Barrels of art at Semeli winery, Nemea, for oenorama athens wine week 2015
Here, below, is another barrel painted by Pavlos Habides, this time for the for the Oenoforos Estate.
Pavlos Habides. Barrels of art at Semeli winery, Nemea, for oenorama athens wine week 2015
Lovely spring poppies here painted by Georgia Bliatsou for Boyatzi Estate.
“Spring Brings…..”
Georgia Bliatsou. Barrels of art at Semeli winery, Nemea, for oenorama athens wine week 2015
An unusual one below, painted by Stelios Panagiotopoulos for the Gaia Estate Nemea.
“Breaking Free”
Stelios Panagiotopoulos. Barrels of art at Semeli winery, Nemea, for oenorama athens wine week 2015
A lot of fantasy has been put into this barrel below, created by Daphne Stergidi for the Tour Melas Estate.
“Apollo and Daphne”
Daphne Stergidi. Barrels of art at Semeli winery, Nemea, for oenorama athens wine week 2015
Here’s a more traditional idea below; grapes in baskets for the Vasiliou Estate by Athina Hatzi.
“Bench With Grapes”
Athina Hatzi. Barrels of art at Semeli winery, Nemea, for oenorama athens wine week 2015
Below, the barrel on the left, was painted by Marcos Kabanis for the Tsandali Estate.
The one on the right, by Christina Aktidi for Estate Mouson.
Marcos Kabanis & Christina Aktidi. Barrels of art at Semeli winery, Nemea, for oenorama athens wine week 2015
Below, on the left here, we have two rows of figures, painted by Yiannis Dedes for the Bairaktari Estate,
On the right, Panagiotis Beldekos, sketched ancient Greek boats onto the barrel for The Estate Wine Art. (Kτήμα Τέχνη Οίνου). (no title).
Yiannis Dedes & Panagiotis Beldekos. Barrels of art at Semeli winery, Nemea, for oenorama athens wine week 2015
In the foreground below, is the barrel made for Estate Sigali by Marios Boutsinos, a perspex top, decorated with copper vine leaves, my amateur photography does not do it justice!
“Wine Pleases The Heart”
The barrel behind, is for the Estate Kokotou ,and is painted by Harris Pressas.
“The Four Seasons”
Marios Boutsinos & Harris Pressas, Barrels of art at Semeli winery, Nemea, for oenorama athens wine week 2015
Before heading home to Loutraki, we stopped off at The Sofos Restaurant in the centre of Nemea, run by an absolutely delightful couple, George and Eirene, and had a delicious traditional Greek meal.
The perfect end to the perfect day.
If you are ever in Nemea, do go and see George and Eirene Sofos, believe me, if you do, you will become a customer for life, their food is to die for!