Karavaki – The Greek Christmas Boat

Traditional Greek Christmas boat. Karavaki (Little boat)
The practice of decorating sailing boats with Christmas lights, a fabulous Greek Christmas tradition is making a comeback.
More often than not these Christmas boats are seen on the islands, where the habit originated but slowly, they are making their way to the mainland.

Christmas Boat. Naxos. Photo, Kostas Symeonoglou
As the feast Day of Saint Nicholas, patron saint of sailors, takes place on 6th December, this is the day boats are decorated and are displayed until 6th January, Epiphany, Theophania or, Ton Foton in Greek.
On Christmas Eve, New Year’s Eve and Epipany, Greek children visit neighbours to sing Kalanda; Greek Christmas carols.
Accompanied by the triangle, the carol singers carry with them small wooden or paper boats, which they had lovingly been preparing, in the lead up to Christmas, the neighbours reward the children by placing treats, such as cakes or candy, into their little boats.

Greek carol singers (kalanda) with the Grek Christmas boat; the karavaki
The Rise and Fall of the Greek Karavaki:
The Little Christmas Boat
In 1833, King Otto of Bavaria decorated the first Christmas tree in Greece and from then on, the Christmas tree was to be seen, standing alongside a decorated boat.
When I first came to Greece in 1977, these beautiful boats were a quite common sight at Christmas time, seen in homes, on the street and in tavernas.
Greek Christmas Boat
As the years passed and European Christmas became more familiar to Greeks, through travel, television, cinema and magazines and of course, commercialism, the pretty little boats took a back seat to the Christmas tree.
I’m happy to say ” they’re back”!
Thessaloniki, Greece’s capital of the North, was the first large city, in 1999, to display a huge decorated boat at Christmas in Aristotelous Square, decked out in blue and white twinkling lights, the colours of the Greek flag.

Traditional Greek Christmas Boat. Aristotelous Square, Thessaloniki.
It took a few years but Christmas 2013 saw Athens following Thessaloniki’s example by erecting an amazing boat, in Syntagma Square, in front of the Greek parliament building.

Traditional Greek Christmas Boat. Syntagma Square Athens 2014
Kostas, owner of the very popular taverna, Maistrali, keeps this tradition going in Loutraki.
It’s a joy to behold, whilst taking an evening stroll along the beach front, at this most wonderful time of the year.

Christmas Boat, Maistrali Taverna Loutraki. Photo, Kostas Vackouftsis.
The Origins of the Greek Christmas Boat:
The karavaki
Greece is a nation of sailors, where men folk are often away from hearth and home, for long stretches at a time.
The story goes like this; long, long ago, women of the Greek islands, during the dark winter months of ferocious, stormy and dangerous seas, spent their days fretting over fathers, husbands and sons who were battling with the waves, praying for their safe return.
On spotting their loved one’s ships returning to harbour, the women would joyfully rush home to celebrate by decorating small wooden boats as a welcome to the weary seafarers.

Karavaki The Greek Christmas Boat
The boats were arranged on the floor, or next to the fire, with their bows pointing inwards, symbolizing the homeward journey.
An alternative explanation to the decorated boats has Saint Nicholas, patron saint of Sailors, playing a part in the origin of this wonderful, Greek Christmas tradition.
It is thought, maybe the boats are decorated in honour of Saint Nicholas, as a sort of insurance for bringing the salty sea dogs safely home to port

Saint Nicholas, patron saint of sailors
A very merry ‘Greeker’ Christmas to one and all!

Sailing boat decorated and illuminated for Christmas, Syros island, Greece

Karavaki – the Greek Christmas Boat
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