Kudos – The Ancient Greek Word for Well Done
Here’s yet another Greek word used frequently in English today taken from ancient Greek: Kudos (κῦδος – kydos), meaning praise and honour received for an achievement. Synonyms of Kudos: Prestige –...
It's all about Greece, Greeks and all things Greeker!
Here’s yet another Greek word used frequently in English today taken from ancient Greek: Kudos (κῦδος – kydos), meaning praise and honour received for an achievement. Synonyms of Kudos: Prestige –...
The Greek word “Xenia” meaning foreigner or stranger and “Philoxenia”, meaning “friend to a stranger”, are both words which depict the Ancient Greek idea of hospitality. It was extremely important to the...
The word Utopia; used to describe an imaginary island, a perfect world, was first used by Sir Thomas More, an English lawyer, writer and statesman, in his book “Utopia”, written in 1516....
The word, draconian (δρακόντειος – drakónteios), meaning harsh, severe, cruel and drastic, is used in English and other European languages but its origins are Greek. Draconian derives from Draco (also called Drako...
We’ve all had that feeling of ‘I never want to go back there ’ or ‘I never want to see that accursed place again’; a Greek’s response to this, may be to...
The magic word, abracadabra, often spoken with great gusto and the wave of a magic wand, just before a rabbit is pulled out of a hat, may have Greek origins, in the...
The word Panic, Panikos in Greek, meaning a sudden sensation of fear, overwhelming anxiety or agitation; a feeling so strong as to often block out reasonable and logical behavior, is derived from...
Greek isn’t one of the easiest foreign languages to master especially when it comes to everyday quips and wisecrack expressions and sayings and idioms. Unless you are Greek or have lived in...
Euphoria, an overwhelming, pleasurable, emotion, is an ancient Greek word, a noun, from the Greek ‘eu’, meaning well and ‘phero’, meaning to bear, or, to carry. The opposite of euphoria, is dysphoria,...
Philhellenism comes from the Greek word “philos”, meaning friend and Hellenism, meaning Greekness (for want of a better word), it is to have a love, a passion, an enthusiasm, an obsession even,...
Greeker than the Greeks - It's all about Greece, Greeks and all things Greeker!